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Simmons  and
Simmons Group


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Higher Education is at a pivotal point. The past few years have been challenging for colleges and universities across the United States. Change has been rapid and profound.  But with this change comes opportunity. Opportunities to be boldly innovative and dynamically forward-thinking.

The Consultants at SIMMONS and SIMMONS GROUP collaborate with Higher Education institutions to help transform these opportunities into reality through targeted strategic planning.

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Higher Education
Overview of Services

Colleges and Universities play a vital role in all facets of our life. They are at the forefront of medical research, social justice, economic development, environmental sustainability, and civic engagement.

In today's world, Higher Education leaders must be proficient in all areas of management, including academics, finances and financial aid, student life and services, advancement and development, athletics, marketing and security. 

SIMMONS AND SIMMONS GROUP provides support services to facilitate

  • Resilient, forward-thinking financial planning

  • Innovative and Inclusive student  recruitment and retention policies

  • Visionary and Strategic curricula  development and implementation

  • Holistic Institutional and Curricula Assessment

  • Sophisticated and Dynamic capacity building

4-Sight Financial Model​

University Presidents and Finance officers at most Universities are faced with the challenge of accurately and reliably predicting future revenue. With growing budgetary needs, annual changes in fees, market instabilities, and increasingly unpredictable student enrollment, developing enrollment and financial forecasts has become an endeavor fraught with uncertainty and frustration.


At SIMMONS AND SIMMONS GROUP, our patent-pending 4-SIGHT Financial Model reduces these uncertainties by generating a multi-year enrollment and financial projection using national trends and proprietary algorithms. It allows you to visualize long-term trends in recruitment, retention and revenue, run scenarios to determine the likely range of impacts, and make strategic decisions years ahead of critical decision points.

Increasingly, governing boards and accrediting agencies expect long-term plans that show financial sustainability and 3 to 5 year financial projections. However, these projections are challenging because many of the key variables, such as tuition, scholarships, retention, housing, and operating expenses, are intertwined in complex ways.


Our 4-SIGHT Financial Model helps you visualize and understand the complex and non-linear interactions in your institutional data and generates projections that are evidence-based and reliable. For example, you can find the operational “sweet spot” for your institution by optimizing enrollment, discount rate, and student retention.

A powerful feature of the 4-SIGHT Financial Model is the ability to quickly and easily run scenario tests. The user can change the value of any of the key inputs – like retention rate or number of first-year students – and instantly see the impact on model outputs. Read more in the Budget Projections for Strategic Financial Planning White paper.

a large library hallway with books on the sides

Colleges and Universities play a vital role in all facets of our life. They are at the forefront of medical research, social justice, economic development, environmental sustainability, and civic engagement.

In today's world, Higher Education leaders must be proficient in all areas of management, including academics, finances and financial aid, student life and services, advancement and development, athletics, marketing and security. 

SIMMONS AND SIMMONS GROUP provides support services to facilitate

  • Resilient, forward-thinking financial planning

  • Innovative and Inclusive student  recruitment and retention policies

  • Visionary and Strategic curricula  development and implementation

  • Holistic Institutional and Curricula Assessment

  • Sophisticated and Dynamic capacity building

Higher Education
Overview of Services

Moving Colleges and Universities into the Future
with Innovative Designs and Intelligent Solutions

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